Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Jeeraga(Cumin) Kashayam| Home Remedies| Postpartum Diet|BM #13

Kashayam is a drink made at home very easily, which is very helpful for digestion, gastric problems, stomach bloating and also for all the pregnant and nursing moms. I learnt this from my mother-in-law and she knows a lot of home remedies.
This drink is made using 'Cumin Seeds' known as 'Jeerga Kashayam' in tamil is mainly helpful during labor and after delivery.
During Labor pain if we make this Kashayam and drink. If the pain subsides then it is false labor and if the pain still increases then it is true labor pain. My mom made this for me everyday after delivery for few months and she used to force me to drink. Since i hardly drink water:-)

Here goes the recipe,
Jeera/Cumin Seeds- 3 tea spoons
Water- 2 cups
Palm Jaggery- as required [Optional]
Ghee- 1 tea spoon
  • In a small frying pan dry roast Jeera/Cumin seeds until it almost turns dark brownish in color and has a nice aroma.
  • Add 2 cups of water to the Jeera and allow it to boil until it reduces to half.[The water turns into golden yellow color]
  • Add palm jaggery if required and allow it to melt and mix well.[It tastes good even without jaggery]
  • Add 1 tea spoon of ghee and switch off the stove.
  • Drink this when it is hot/warm.
The Jeera/Cumin seeds has to be roasted well until it is dark in color. Only then it gives a good effect.
This is good to have everyday after meals or at bed time.
This can be given to anyone in the family.
You can substitute Cumin seeds with Saunf (Fennel Seeds)
This helps for people who have constipation also.
You can avoid ghee if you do not have any pain. Drinking Jeera water everyday instead of plain water is also very good for health.

This goes to Srivalli's Blogging Marathon 13
This also goes to 'Taste of Pearl City' Healthy Morsels


  1. My mom actually made this for me to verify what you have mentioned and I am smiling thinking back :)

    Event: Sweet Luv
    Event: Strawberries

  2. My mom actually made this for me to verify what you have mentioned and I am smiling thinking back :)

    Event: Sweet Luv
    Event: Strawberries

  3. interesting use of this kashayam!

  4. i know this very well..cos I had to too! :)

  5. good to learn about tricks during difficult times :), moms know it all...lovely recipe

  6. Very informative post..drinking cumin is so good for everybody..so naturally for a new mom is even more helpful..

  7. Yeah, we too used to make something very similar to this. Thank you so much for sharing all these information, definitely a lot will benefit from this and thank you for linking with Healthy Morsels :)

  8. Wow!! Very useful info. Thank you so much for sharing such important tips with us and linking to Healthy Morsels - Pregnancy :).

    Take a look at our FB discussions too if u find time :)
