Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Cherry Flax Jam (Preserve) BM#64

Preserves/Jam can be made from various fruits. I made a batch of Strawberry Jam last summer and it was a hit in our house with a toast or Paratha. This year the Cherry are in season right now. They are really sweet and juicy.
This Jam which i did is sweetened with Maple syrup and flax seeds is used to thicken the jam.
Also it makes it healthy. Flax seeds contains Omega 3 and is supposed to be very healthy.

This week Blogging Marathon's theme is Pickles & Preserves.
Jam's generally contains Pectin but this recipe is so nice that it does not contain any extra ingredient in it. My son also likes this jam particularly because it does not taste too sweet like other Jam.

The recipe is very simple and it does not take too long to make it.
The more thick it is, The shelf life is longer.

Here goes the recipe for Cherry Jam/Preserve:
Recipe Source: One Ingredient Chef

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cup Pitted ground Cherry
2-3 table spoon Maple syrup (Optional)
2 Table spoon ground Flax seeds powder/Chia seeds powder

Method: In a blender grind the Cherry, Flax seeds powder and maple syrup to a coarse puree.
Add the mixture in a sauce pan and simmer, uncovered for about 20-25 minutes until it reduces the mixture and also becomes thick in consistency. Once little thick. Switch off the stove.
Allow it cool and then pour it into a Bottles to preserve them.
Refrigerate once done.
This stays good for a week or so. Please use dry spoon while using the jam.

Check out the other marathoners here

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#64


  1. I remember we made this year before but slightly different version..

  2. Sounds fantastic..never knew about flaxseeds being used..will have to read up on that..

  3. Nutritious recipe. The use of flax seeds is interesting.

  4. Never heard of adding flax seeds in jam. This looks so lovely...

  5. Addition of flax seeds makes the preserve even healthy. Good one.

  6. Wow, adding flax seeds sounds interesting in preserve, absolutely super healthy.

  7. Adding flax seeds to jam is completely new to me. Cherry jam sounds delicious.

  8. Adding flax seeds is new to me. Sounds yum.
