Sunday, June 26, 2016

Masala Sandwich

This week for the Blogging Marathon we are doing the theme, One sauce and two dishes for three days.
I made Tomato Chutney yesterday and we had plans to go to beach this weekend.
I planned to carry some sandwiches in my hand to munch on while on sand. Hence came up with this idea to make use of the chutney to make the sandwiches.
This sandwich is little similar to Masala Pav.

Here goes the recipe:


Bread or Pav
Butter to toast the Bread/Pav
2-3 spoons of Tomato Chutney
1/2 Bell pepper
1/2 Onion
Little Cilantro
1/2 tea spoon Jeera
Little Oil
Salt to taste


In a pan add little oil and jeera. Once it splutters add the onions and cook until its turns transparent.
Add the Bell pepper and very little salt. Coo until the bell pepper becomes little soft.
Finally add couple of spoons of Tomato Chutney and mix well and switch off the stove. (Add more chili powder if needed). Mix the Cilantro and keep it aside.

Take the Bread/Pav and toast it with little butter. Take a spoon full of above curry made and spread it over the bread/Pav. Place the other toasted Bread/Pav on top and serve.


This can be packed for any travel easily.
Tomato Chutney can be substituted with couple of Tomatoes.
Pav Bhaji masala can be added to enhance the taste.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#65