Sunday, March 25, 2012

Kalakand|Mithai|BM #14

Today i decided to make Kalakand for Blogging Marathon, since it is a weekend and my husband will be around to take care of my little one.
I wanted to do this sweet for a long time. But only today i got a chance to make it. This week we are having fun having sweets everyday. I am sure we will have to workout extra next week :-) But it is okay once in a while i think what say??:-)

I referred Manjula's recipe with just extra ghee and used half of her measurement mentioned.
4 cups of whole milk
1 1/2 spoon lemon
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tea spoon of ghee
chopped Pistachios for garnishing


Method to make paneer
Boil 2 cups of milk in a pan and once it comes to a boil add the lemon juice and stir occasionally.
The milk will start to break and curd will start to separate from the whey. Switch off the stove.
Once they are separated completely, Strain in a muslin cloth and run cold water to remove the flavor of lemon.
Method to make Kalakand
In another pan boil the remaining 2 cups of milk. Keep stirring continuously.
Add the strained paneer, sugar and keep stirring. [For me it took 20 minutes]
Keep stirring until they form a soft lump and start leaving the pan.
Transfer the contents to a greased plate.
Spread evenly in the plate and drizzle 1 tea spoon of ghee on top. Now, with a help of spoon spread evenly and make a smooth surface at top. Ghee helps to prevent sticking to the spoon and also gives a nice flavor.
Sprinkle some chopped pistachios allow it to set/cool for about 1 hour.
Cut into small pieces after it cools down and enjoy.

Check out the other Marathoners here
This sweet goes to Prerna, Kathy and Barbara's IndianFoodPalooza.